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Process & Values




As much as our employees strive for the success of our organization, the success of clients and candidates are equally relevant. We are accountable for our actions and reputation. Therefore we are responsible for providing the best service and advice to our clients and candidates.


Truthfulness is the key to building relationships that matter. For Venus Consultancy, transparency to our clients and candidates is the most essential element of our business. 

Corporate Social Responsibility

Social duty is a lot of strategies, practices, and ethics incorporated into business activities and decision making. Our recruiting agency feels responsible to the communities served by us and continuously makes contributions to be a part of it.


With the aim to be the best in our service, Venus Consultancy leaves no stone unturned and work to full potential. Our integrity and intelligence will set the excellence standards of higher range.


We give top most priority to our recruiting process as it defines the accurate match of skilled candidates and employer requirements. With our specially designed step-by-step process, we aim to analyze the needs of the recruiter and hire the best talent accordingly.

Through this approach, our candidates have the chance to get recruited to the best companies. Not only that but employers associated with Venus Consultancy will be matched with the best talent out in the market while saving your time, cost and energy.


Learn from the employees and employers how they experience with Venus Hiring services.




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